IF DARWIN HAD KNOWN ABOUT DNA - The Darwinism That Developed in a Climate of Ignorance
Bookwork, Norwich,September 2008 | PDF | ISBN: N/A | 338 Pages | 5.95 MB
Too small to be seen with the naked eye, DNA serves as the data bank of our cells. Information about all the living things around you is concealed within this miniaturized data bank inside every cell of every organism. All the structural characteristics of a rose, an orange, a sparrow, a tiger or a human being are present in the nuclei of the cells that comprise these organisms. Look at your hand that is holding this book. These data stores exist in the nucleus of every single one of the cells that compose that hand.
These DNA molecules are invisible to the naked eye but in terms of their contents and data-storage capacity, they are equal to a library consisting of tens of thousands of books. As you observe the miraculous aspects of DNA, which can be seen only by magnifying it thousands of times, you will also appreciate how such minute essential component of life places the theory of evolution in an insuperable quandary. Examining the details of this extraordinary structure will give you the opportunity to ponder the infinite might, incomparable knowledge, scope and dominion of our Lord, Allah (God) and the universe He has created.
Every day, new discoveries are being made about the universe we inhabit. Billions of galaxies lie hundreds of thousands of light years away from one another. Millions of stars that fill those galaxies, whose dimensions defy our powers of conception. Giant planets constantly revolve in a complex order at speeds of thousands of kilometers without ever colliding with one another. Here, on one of the smaller of these planets, we examine the cells, the building blocks of life on Earth, themselves no bigger than a mere speck, under the electron microscope, an invention of the 20th century.
Each of the conditions that makes this planet suitable for life is indispensable to it. The Earth's environment exists and persists by the mercy of Allah.
Albert Einstein, one of the 20th century's most eminent scientists, expressed man's difficulty in comprehending the order in the universe in these terms:
The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books, but doesn't know what it is.
Human beings have been equipped with all the systems they need within this extraordinary environment. The more details that we learn about the body, the more we realize how miraculous our lives are. As they discover the systems concealed inside their bodies, many people--who would otherwise live without reflection, caught up in the daily course of their lives--will reflect on the purpose behind their existence and become aware of their responsibilities to Allah, their Creator. Indeed, various scientists have acquired faith in the existence of Allah by seeing the greatness of His knowledge and the perfections He has created.
29 January 2009
IF DARWIN HAD KNOWN ABOUT DNA - The Darwinism That Developed in a Climate of Ignorance
Label: other
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28 January 2009
The Audacity of Hope - By Barack Hussain Obama
"The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" is Barack Obama's second book, and it is his personal view of the direction that the United States needs to move in terms of the type of politics we practice. It is not a look at whether one should be liberal or conservative--though he certainly does speak to the liberal positions better than the conservative ones; but rather about moving away from the divisive politics which have become the norm in recent years.
About the author:Barack Obama is one of the hottest political figures in the country,and the newly recruited President of USA. Precisely because Obama became President, The Audacity of Hope is an interesting read. I recommend The Audacity of Hope to anyone who hopes to understand Obama's self-proclaimed new style of politics.
* Barack Obama articulates his vision for the country clearly and intelligently
* The Audacity of Hope provides a good opportunity to size up Obama
* It is refreshing to read a book that makes some attempt to unite Republicans and democrats.
* The Audacity of Hope is Barack Obama's vision for the country--where he thinks we are going & how policies should change
* Chapters: Republicans & Democrats, Values, Constitution, Politics, Opportunity, Faith, Race, World Beyond Our Borders, Family
* Obama gives background to each topic, providing overarching ideas and suggestions.
* There are not detailed policy plans in this book. This is more about the general direction Obama thinks we should follow.
The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama - Book Review:
The Audacity of Hope is an optimistic look at America. Obama uses the book to share his perspective on America's history, present situation, and the challenges the country must overcome in order to have a prosperous future. Throughout the book, Obama makes an effort to point out strengths and weaknesses in both parties' positions, although he admits upfront that as a Democrat his opinions will naturally fall more in line with liberal politics.
Indeed, for all Obama's peacemaking effort, many of the policy changes he champions in The Audacity of Hope sound like standard Democratic fare. He does, however, pull in from hardline rhetoric. His gracious, accommodating and hopeful tone provide a pleasant new package for ideas that may not be entirely original.
Despite the fact that The Audacity of Hope is not groundbreaking in its policy recommendations or comprehensive in its assessment of issues facing Americans, it is still a worthwhile read for anyone interested in learning more about Barack Obama and what he believes. After finishing the book, I felt as if I knew the man and what he hopes to accomplish in public office better. It was nice to have such a clear statement from the President of the United States.
Download includes some wallpapers for rapid points......
Download: 7 MB
Password: www.dl4all.com
Label: other
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Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 User Guide
Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 User Guide
PDF | Еnglish | Français | Español | 3.91 MB
Label: Computers and Internet
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26 January 2009
Essential Finance Nigel Gibson
Everything you need to know about the financial world – most accessibly presented and attractively packaged.
Developed from the long-running, successful pocket series, this new Economist essential A-Z series is launched in Spring 2003 in a strikingly attractive paper back format, with flaps and distinctive red end papers.
Following an introduction on the dramatic changes that have taken place in the financial world and the immense influence the financial markets have over our lives, the bulk of the book contains an extensive A-Z containing several hundred entries that explain with clarity and a healthy dose of irreverence the most important and interesting - things you need to know about the world of finance - as well as some of its more odd and inconsequential aspects. Entries include:
Acceptance, Advance ratio, Allfinanz, Beta, Balloon, Blend fund, Bunny bond, Capital adequacy, Clean price, Compensating balance, Debt service ratio, Disintermediation, EBITDA, Efficient market theory, Fannie Mae, Flight capital, Gearing, Grey market, Hedge Fund, Hurdle rate, In the money Junk Kaffir, Kerb trading, Leverage, LIBOR, Liquidity, Margin call, Mezzanine finance, Narrow market, Net present value, Off balance sheet, Old lady, Open end fund, Over the counter, Parity paid, Ponzi scheme, Programme trading, Random walk, Redemption yield, Samurai bond, SEAQ, Shadow accounting, Special purpose vehicle, Tender offer, Tombstone, Triple witching hour, Underweight, Use of funds, Value investing, Volatility, Warehousing, Working capital, Yield to maturity, Zero-coupon bond.
Label: finance
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Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre (A biography of Jesse Livermore)
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the thinly disguised biography of Jesse Livermore, a remarkable character who first started speculating in New England bucket shops at the turn of the century. Livermore, who was banned from these shady operations because of his winning ways, soon moved to Wall Street where he made and lost his fortune several times over. What makes this book so valuable are the observations that Lefèvre records about investing, speculating, and the nature of the market itself.
For example:
"It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight! It is no trick at all to be right on the market. You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and early bears in bear markets. I've known many men who were right at exactly the right time, and began buying or selling stocks when prices were at the very level which should show the greatest profit. And their experience invariably matched mine--that is, they made no real money out of it. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon."
If you've ever spent weekends and nights puzzling over whether to buy, sell, or hold a position in whatever investment--be it stock, bonds, or pork bellies, you'll be glad that you read this book. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is full of lessons that are as relevant today as they were in 1923 when the book was first published. Highly recommended.
Stock investing is a relatively recent phenomenon and the inventory of true classics is somewhat slim. When asked, people in the know will always list books by Benjamin Graham, Burton G. Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street, and Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings by Philip A. Fisher. You'll know you're getting really good advice if they also mention Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre.
Despite being written in the early 1920's, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator continues to be the most useful and most-loved book ever written on the subject of trading and speculation. In this novel, LeFevre brilliantly describes the life and times of the book's protagonist, Larry Livingston, a pseudonym for Jesse Livermore, one of history's most famous traders.
Livingston never considered himself an investor; he was a speculator. He didn't mind being long or short, he just wanted to be correct. His approach was to figure out what the path of least resistance was and then go with the flow. He didn't believe in picking tops or bottoms; he waited for a trend to be confirmed and then jumped in, thus never fighting the tape. Livingston never traded out of boredom or solely for the sake of the excitement it brought to him. He knew that he could get rich by following a defined trend and thus calmly waited on the sidelines when the market was directionless. Had Livingston been alive today he would certainly be a momentum/price action based trader.
Although a sizeable portion of the book vividly describes the highs and lows of Livingston's exciting life, the meat of the book comes in the form of trading commandments that every successful trader can likely repeat even while asleep. These are the trading rules that have been passed down from mothers to daughters, fathers to sons, mentors to students, winners to losers. This is the book from which almost every subsequent general trading book is derived. If you have ever wondered where the trading rule "Never average down" came from, just turn to page 154. Where did the comparison between greed and fear first originate? You'll find it on page 130.
Some other rules to live by that were introduced in LeFevre's book are:
-The trend is your friend.
-History repeats itself.
-No stock is too high to buy or too low to sell.
-Let your winners run and cut your losses quickly.
For beginners, this book will give you a strong and sturdy foundation on which you can build your successful trading career. It will fill your absorbent trading mind with vitally important trading principles in a clear and understandable manner. For experienced traders, reading this book again will galvanize your mind and refresh your spirit for trading. It brings clarity as to why we trade and how to best go about it. This is a must read for beginners and a must re-read for all others.
Label: other
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04 January 2009
Terrorist Recognition Handbook 2nd Edition
Terrorist Recognition Handbook: A Practitioner's Manual for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities, Second Edition
By Malcolm Nance
Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 480
Publication Date: 2008-04-14
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1420071831
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781420071832
Binding: Paperback
Written by a 20-year veteran of the U.S. intelligence community, this second edition reflects the latest geopolitical factors affecting global terrorist incidents and regional insurgencies. A new section includes an analysis of transformations within Al Qaeda, coverage of the modern insurgency, and new global and regional terrorist groups. Completely updated, the section on terrorist tactics reveals the latest trends and attack methods and includes a new chapter on previously unseen suicide bombings. This book is an invaluable training tool on how to identify an attack; how to mitigate damage from successful attacks; and how to recognize the various stages of developing terrorist plots.
Label: other
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Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5
Joomla! started as a fork from Mambo in 2005, when many of the original developers of the Mambo CMS moved to working on Joomla! It has rapidly grown in popularity and, according to its own description, is a "Cutting Edge Content Management System and one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management systems in the world. It is used world-wide for anything from simple homepages to complicated corporate websites. It is easy to install, easy to manage and very reliable."
While the Joomla! CMS has the flexibility and power needed for complex, full-featured web applications, it is also simple to use to create basic websites. Its powerful, extensible template system can deal many different data types and control of user access, approval of content, scheduling of content display, and rich administrative controls are all included.
This book takes the reader through the tasks essential to create a Joomla! website as rapidly as possible. The necessary tasks are explained with clear step-by-step instructions. The author’s chatty and engaging style makes this book very readable.
This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors, and marketing professionals who want to develop a website in a simple and straightforward process. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT-confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive website.
Publisher: Packet Publishing (March 28, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 184719530X
ISBN-13: 978-1847195302
Size: 15.7MB
Label: Computers and Internet
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Great Sex Tips
ISBN 0-7894-7143-4 | PDF 122 Pages | DK Publishing | 8.2 MB
Increase erotic enjoyment with this little book packed with hot ideas to inspire and arouse.
Heighten passion and enhance lovemaking skills with Anne Hooper's adventurous guide toerotic tricks and techniques. Guaranteed to tantalize, the tips cover the full spectrumn of sexula experience, from saucy seduction to spine tingling foreplay and fantast.
Label: Health and Fitness
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: Excel 2007 for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Edition
ISBN : 1932802355 | PDF 275 pages | 15MB
With examples from the world of science and engineering, this reference teaches scientists how to create graphs, analyze statistics and regressions, and plot and organize scientific data. Physicists and engineers can learn the tips and techniques of Excel and tailor them specifically to their experiments, designs, and research.
This book will show the readers when to use NORMDIST vs NORMSDist and CONFIDENCE vs Z, how to keep data-validation lists on a hidden worksheet, use pivot tables to chart frequency distribution, generate random samples with various characteristics, and much more.
It is ideal for students and professionals alike, this handbook will enable greater productivity and efficiency.
Dr. Gerard Verschuuren is a Microsoft Certified Professional specialized in VB, VBA, and VB.NET. He has more than 20 years of experience teaching at colleges and corporations and is the author of many textbooks. He lives in Atkinson, New Hampshire
Label: Computers and Internet
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